LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration Problems? Me too.

You are probably here because it’s the first of the month (or close enough) and you are looking for information on the next LEGO monthly mini build session, right? Have the LEGO Monthly Mini Build registration problems come to a head for you? You’re not alone. With numerous issues of people missing out on registrations because

Celebricktion tickets on sale at Groupon Atlanta

If you’ve been considering going to Celebricktion here in Atlanta, I have good news for you! I woke up this morning to see that Groupon Atlanta has a deal for Celebricktion tickets at almost half price. If you’ve never heard of Celebricktion, here’s a quick clip from the Groupon Atlanta listing: What services does your business offer

Boo! LEGO Winter Village Toy Shop Rehashed…

By now you’ve probably read the news that LEGO decided to re-release the LEGO Winter Village Toy Shop from 2009 as this year’s “new” LEGO Winter Village set. While I don’t own the original set, I’d say I’m none too happy… which seems to be the general consensus. If you haven’t browsed other blog posts