OMG! LEGO Disney Castle is a Fan Smorgasbord!

Have you heard the news? It’s all the Disney/LEGO-verse has been talking about all weekend. Disney has confirmed LEGO will be releasing set 71040 LEGO Disney Castle on September 1st! I’m not sure how LEGO feels about Disney beating them to the punch, but now that it’s out there, I know all fans are rejoicing.


This time I’m ahead of the curve with announcing a new LEGO contest! Have you been wanting to make the world a better place, solve a problem, or invent something new using LEGO bricks? Now is your chance to shine in the LEGO Rebrick MAKE SOMETHING! contest! What is the LEGO Rebrick MAKE SOMETHING! Contest Announced

Reminder July 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration Opens Tomorrow!

I know I normally don’t post on Tuesdays; however, since I missed getting this out yesterday, I wanted to make sure you guys didn’t miss out. Here’s your reminder the July 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build registration opens tomorrow. How To – July 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration   If you can’t see the photo