Earth Day is just around the corner and LEGO setup another building event for April 2019… check out the LEGO Earth Day Tree Building event below!

If you look at the photo above, you can see you’ll be creating a spring scene using LEGO bricks. The special thing about this build is that the parts used in this build are part of the new eco-friendly initiative by LEGO to create parts from plants!
In early 2018, LEGO announced they would be creating plant parts from plastic sourced from sugarcane. They are working towards reducing their footprint and curbing the impact they are making on our plant! That’s pretty awesome.
I plan on bringing an older plant part with me just to do a side by side comparison. Probably won’t be able to tell the difference!
LEGO Earth Day Tree Building Event Details
Interested in attending the event? If you are a LEGO VIP member, you can sign up for a 15 minute slot for Monday, April 22, 2018 starting at 4pm and ending at 5:45pm. (Not a LEGO VIP member? It’s easy to sign up!)
Sorry AFOLs this one is only for ages 6-14.