Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend! We spent ours contemplating our past and present friends who serve(d) and sorting 400+ pounds of LEGO bricks! We hadn’t planned to spend our weekend knee deep in storage tubs. However, we met another eBay seller, got to talking and then ended up bringing his bins home
Category: Behind The Family Brick
To buy or not to buy LEGO Stephanie’s Beach House
I have this conversation a lot when I’m with my husband and I run into the LEGO Stephanie’s Beach House set… Me: I really like the set. Him: Yea? Me: Yes. That yellow color calls to me. Him: So buy it. Me: I can’t. Him: Why not? Me: Because I’m really annoyed LEGO used those
Buying LEGO Sets at Discount Prices
We’re not rich. We live month to month like most other Americans. Mr. Family Brick works as an installer for a well known franchise and my pay-the-bills business has always run in “feast or famine” mode. Right now, we’re in the “famine” while I work on redirecting the focus of the company. So you could say
March 2015 LEGO Club Meeting
I spent this weekend at WordCamp (a conference for WordPress enthusiasts), so Mr. Family Brick took a day off from work to take care of The Little Brick on Saturday. As it turns out, it was also one of the LEGO Club Meeting days. Instead of taking her the weekend before, I rescheduled her for
Our Latest Haul
As it turns out, the list of things I’ve been waiting on buying until VIP Double Points came back around was only slightly different from what I walked out with from the LEGO store. We ended buying: LEGO Painting Easter Eggs (40121) – two as stated… LEGO Minifigure Ice Lollipop Popsicle Mould Mold Tray – planning on using these later
LEGO Double VIP Points Starts Today!
If you haven’t gotten your hands on a March LEGO calendar, you may not be aware that today starts double LEGO points for VIP members through the 29th. We hit our spending limit with our last big blast on the 1st of the year, but I’ve been waiting for one of these events so I
February 2015 Monthly LEGO Club Meeting
When we went to this month’s mini build, we were invited to go to the Monthly LEGO Club Meeting. We’ve never been, so we thought “why not?” and signed up. Since I’ve never been to a club meeting, I can’t tell you what *normally* happens. For this one though, it consisted of a scavenger hunt
Setting up our LEGO Winter Village Scene
One of the things that really fuels our visits to the LEGO stores is the LEGO Winter Village sets. When we saw the LEGO Creator Winter Village Market and the LEGO Creator Winter Village Cottage a few years ago, we fell in love. Always wanting to build a Christmas village as part of our holiday
LEGO Second Christmas… A.K.A. January 1st
I had big plans to blog this holiday season. Wanted to share our winter village setup and what LEGO events we attended, but family comes first. This blog is called “The Family Brick” after all, and I wanted to make sure I attended to family. So you may get a flurry of Christmas related blog
The Little Brick’s Birthday and a Trip to LEGO Disney Downtown
We’re cheaters. We’ve been cheating on our local LEGO store. We’ve been spending the week in Florida with family… and making regular visits to the LEGO store in Downtown Disney. Our initial visit wasn’t just to go to the store, but also to celebrate the Little Brick’s birthday! Our brick off the old block (hah – I’m so