Last Christmas season, LEGO gave away this LEGO Christmas Tree (40338) as a gift with purchase. I can’t remember how much you had to spend, but clearly we don’t have an issue with spending money at LEGO. So here we are. I was super excited about this set. You’re probably like “Why? It’s just another
Author: Mrs. The Family Brick
LEGO Winter Toy Shop Light Kit Review
Last year, we received a LEGO Winter Toy Shop Light Kit for review from Game of Bricks. If you remember, I’ve already reviewed our first attempt at integrating their light kits for the LEGO Gingerbread House back in November. I added this light kit in January of this year, but never got around to posting
Our Basement LEGO Room
So, we’ve been hiding out in our basement LEGO room. Long time, no see, right? I know it’s been a minute. When the pandemic hit, we, like many of you guys as well, spent our time trying to work while acting as teacher/short-order cook/entertainment director. It was exhausting. And little by little, we’ve began to
3 Ideas for Building LEGO Rainbows
Since today is St. Patricks Day, I figure you guys might want to get some inspiration to build yourself some LEGO rainbows! With LEGO bricks coming in about every color under the sun these days, it’s not that hard to do. And once you build your rainbow, you can also build the leprechaun trap that
2020 Model Train Show Canceled
Well, this is a first for us… I just posted yesterday about DixieLUG’s participation in this weekend’s 2020 Model Train show. This morning, we woke to find the show was canceled. Writing about a pandemic affecting LEGO is not something I thought I would be writing about on this blog, but here we are. The
DixieLUG at 2020 Atlanta Model Train Show This Weekend
This weekend, DixieLUG will be at the 2020 Atlanta Model Train Show. If you haven’t noticed yet, we do several shows a year. This one, just like the Trains! Trains! Trains! show, is one of the standard shows we display at regularly. LEGO trains are always a big draw for the kids young and old
Build a LEGO Minifigure Habitat
Have you ever thought about making a home for your LEGO minifigure? That was our last DixieLUG group challenge. I learned there’s actually a build standard for a LEGO minifigure habitat! What is a LEGO Minifigure Habitat? If you’ve never come across these before, minifigure habitats are basically a moment in the life of a
LEGO Valentine’s Day Adult Build – February 11
Did you know that LEGO sometimes has adult building nights? The next one coming up is the LEGO Valentine’s Day Adult Build. It’s been a few years since LEGO started adult building night events, but I think they’ve finally realized adults are an untapped market. We like to build, too, and we will spend a
LEGO Masters Sweepstakes & Series Premiere February 5th
I can’t imagine that if you love LEGO, you haven’t yet heard about the new LEGO Masters Sweepstakes and Series Premiere this Wednesday, February 5th on Fox. Everywhere I go online, I’ve gotten bombarded with ads for the show left and right. Interestingly enough, we were invited to audition to compete on the show when
Trains! Trains! Trains! 10th Anniversary Celebration – Jan 25-26
It’s Trains! Trains! Trains! 10th Anniversary Celebration this year! You may not know what I’m talking about, but this is a train show that DixieLug has been participating at for several years. We’ve participated yearly since 2016. I know, I know… it’s happening this weekend and I probably didn’t give you much time to plan,