Registration for December 2015 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Opens Tomorrow

It’s that time folks! Registration for the December 2015 LEGO Monthly Mini Build opens tomorrow at 9am EST. Make sure to set your alarms.     Why You Don’t Want To Skip the December 2015 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration If you remember from my last monthly mini build registration post, our local stores will NOT be

5 Simple LEGO Christmas Ornaments To Make

Have you ever made LEGO Christmas ornaments? The only ones I’ve ever made are the reindeer ball and the log cabin ball seasonal sets from last year. This year, since we’re getting ready to pull out our Christmas decorations next weekend, I thought it would be fun to challenge the girl to make some stuff

10 Awesome Christmas Gifts for LEGO Learners

If you’re like me, you’re already working on your Christmas shopping list (or maybe you are better than that and have been working on your Christmas shopping all year!) If you’re just getting started and want to gift something that’s not just entertainment, but also educational, let me make a few recommendations for you of