I hope you all had a wonderful Martin Luther King Jr. holiday! That’s what we celebrated around these parts yesterday. While it’s been freezing cold (northerners don’t laugh at that), the smell of charred meats was still in the air. We spent the day with the girl, taking her to do some things she’s been
Author: Mrs. The Family Brick
LEGO Americana Roadshow Dates for 2016
Last year, we got the chance to see the LEGO Americana Roadshow upclose at our local mall. If you don’t know what it is, the LEGO Americana Roadshow is a tour where you can view large scale models of U.S. landmarks like the White House, Lincoln Memorial and the Statue of Liberty. As an adult,
Reminder February 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration Opens Tomorrow
It’s that time again folks! I’m giving you your reminder a day before the actual event date due to a change in the LEGO Monthly Mini Build program for 2016. You can read more about it below: How To – February 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration If you can’t see the photo above for
AFOL Architecture Events Coming To Barnes and Noble Stores
Do you ever feel left out as you watch your kids assemble the LEGO Monthly Mini Builds? Do you wonder why there is nothing out there for you… the 14 and over crowd? Well, be sad no more! If you haven’t heard, Barnes and Noble stores are hosting AFOL Architecture Events from January 16 to 31!
LEGO Minifigure Swap Monday – January 18th
One of our favorite things about LEGOLAND was the minifigure swap. (Yes, I know, I know. I have *yet* to write my post on our visit to LEGOLAND last year, but I promise I will get that written soon!) It was one of the things we looked forward to on our visit and it completely
Building with LEGO Friends Event – February 13th, 2016
Last year, LEGO hosted what seemed like a one-off LEGO Friends Building Event. It was the only one I remember them having all year long. Looks like it did pretty well as LEGO decided to repeat the event this year on Saturday, February 13th. What Is The Building With LEGO Friends Event I found
LEGO Second Christmas 2015
Oh yes my friends… it’s that time of year again, it’s LEGO Second Christmas! Well, there’s no such thing as a LEGO Second Christmas. It’s what I call January 1st, the time of the year when new LEGO sets are released and we flood the stores to pick them up with our Christmas money burning a
January 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Polar Bear
Tomorrow is the start date of the January 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build, the first monthly mini build of the new year. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s an adorable little polar bear build. It looks to be mainly bricks, but I do see a Technic ball and some speciality foot pieces. It doesn’t
The Family Brick 2015 Year In Review
Happy New Year! At this moment, we are probably sleeping in from staying up way too late last night… or we’re getting ready to head out the LEGO store for what I affectionately term “Second Christmas” – the day the new LEGO sets come out for the new year. Either way, we hope you had
December 2015 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Submarine
This month I hated to miss the December 2015 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Submarine, because it was just too cute. (I know, I know… all you guys out there are cringing at the word… but aren’t *all* mini builds “cute” just in size? Just sayin’…) At 28 pieces, while small, it is a solid little build.