Monthly mini builds seem to be going well since last year’s switch up from walk-in signups to online registration. If you missed out on signing up for this month’s mini build, you can get the details for building the snow speeder below. Resources to build the February 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Snow Speeder With all the
Author: Mrs. The Family Brick
We’re On Facebook!
It’s official! We are now on Facebook. I’ve fought the idea for a good year. People kept telling me, “Hey! You guys should be on Facebook!” But I kept thinking, “Why?” Why indeed. Hopefully, you’ll hit the Like button below because of any of the following reasons: You like us. Well, that’s a given since
Reminder March 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration Opens In 3 Days!
Since I won’t be around this weekend, I’m giving you your reminder right now. The March 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration Opens In 3 Days! For those in the states, that’s this coming Monday, the President’s Day holiday. Set an alarm so you don’t forget while you’re setting up your grill for the day… You can read
DixieLUG January 2016 Meeting
The last meeting of the Atlanta LEGO User Group, DixieLUG, was held on January 23rd. We had some snow that morning, so we weren’t sure if we would brave the elements or not. A dusting of snow has been known to shut down our area for days. Fortunately, Georgia got their act together before this
LEGO Friends Party Cakes Set Review
At the beginning of this year, LEGO released a bunch of new sets. If you read our LEGO Second Christmas blog post from last month, you’ll see we picked up quite a few. While we are very happy with everything we picked up, one of the new sets was extremely delightful… the LEGO Friends Party Cakes set
LEGO Groundhog Day Building Instructions
Yesterday was Groundhog Day here in the US. If you’ve never heard of Groundhog Day, it’s the day where millions of people in the US turn to an animal to see if we get 6 more weeks of winter before spring finally arrives. Silly, right? Fortunately, LEGO added some humor to the day by giving
LEGO Ideas Disneyland Microscale
I’m a fan of almost everything Disney. So when the designer of the LEGO Ideas Disneyland Microscale build contact me to take a look at their project, I was happy to not be disappointed! The designer, Carlierti, has this to say about the project: Hi Disney fans, I really happy to present you an awsome
Trains! Trains! Trains! Event This Weekend In North Georgia
If you’re local and don’t have any plans for this weekend, why not consider coming out to the “Trains! Trains! Trains!” event at Southern Museum of Civil War & Locomotive History on Saturday and Sunday? The DixieLUG group has been asked to create a display for the event with our power function enabled train setup.
New Elements in LEGO Build-A-Minifigure Bar January 2016
On Monday, we visited the LEGO Store for the Minifigure Swap Event. While we did some swapping, I decided I’d take a look at the Build-a-Minifigure bar. I haven’t done an update post on the available minifigure pieces since sometime mid-last year (sorry about that), so I thought it was time for a catch up.
LEGO Ideas Golden Spike Ceremony
I’ll be the first person to admit I’m not a fan of most LEGO trains. While they’re interesting, and very popular, they’re not my favorite builds. I just don’t find them quite as exciting as say, a modular, or almost any other build for that matter. However, I was delightfully surprised when I checked out