I was skimming the Barnes & Noble website the other day when I stumbled across a LEGO Star Wars Rogue One Build Event happening this coming Saturday, October 1st! If you have a kid that is a LEGO Star Wars fan, you know you need to be there. Details on Barnes and Noble LEGO Star
Author: Mrs. The Family Brick
BoxTop Builder Kickstarter Project
You already know we are not your average family when it comes to LEGO. However, for those of you out there who might have a more tame obsession toward LEGO, I think you’d probably be really interested in the BoxTop Builder project on Kickstarter. The creator, Michael Piccuirro, contacted me the other day to check
LEGO Halloween Costumes by Disguise
LEGO Halloween costumes have always been notoriously hard to find, because, well…there really weren’t any LEGO Halloween costumes until this year! Disguise, a costume creating company, contracted with LEGO last year to manufacture the first release of officially licensed LEGO Halloween costumes. Here is what you can get in this year’s wave, with affiliate links for
DixieLUG Exhibits at Maker Faire Atlanta 2016 Next Weekend!
Normally about this time, I would have made a post regarding our DixieLUG meeting. We meet every two months, so the next meeting would have happened this past weekend. But guess what? DixieLUG exhibits at Maker Faire Atlanta 2016 next weekend! So, instead of meeting this weekend, just to get together and exhibit the following
Awesome LEGO Costume Hoodies For Kids
This is another update to a post I created last year. I had to remove one of the LEGO costume hoodies, because it was no longer available. However, there are 2 new ones in its place! Because of that, I removed the number (4) from the title of the post and replaced it with “awesome”. You
October 2016 LEGO Friends Building Event
A few weeks ago, we found ourself at the LEGO store. (Imagine that.) That’s when we discovered there was an October 2016 LEGO Friends Building Event on Saturday, October 15th. Since this mami purchased every single LEGO Friends amusement park theme set, we promptly signed up! Yes, I have plans to re-appropriate this build. Details on
Why you had trouble signing up for the LEGO Monthly Mini Build Yesterday
I had another post scheduled for this morning, but after all the emails I received yesterday, I felt I should share what I found out. I received several emails from readers shortly after the LEGO Monthly Mini Build signup started yesterday morning. As it turns you guys had trouble signing up for the mini build.
New Holiday Train & Death Star available for LEGO VIPs today!
If you missed getting a look at LEGO’s September 2016 calendar, you missed seeing there are actually two early buys for LEGO VIPs this month! Don’t mind my crazy looking husband and silly LEGO employee (you know who you are) in the photo above. This is what happens when we don’t see our friends at
Top 5 Easiest LEGO Costume Ideas
Just so you know, the post below is an updated version of my top 5 Easiest LEGO Costume Ideas post originally published back in October 2015. I was really surprised last year when no one made any additional suggestions as far as easy LEGO costume ideas go. I expected some other people to pop up with
Reminder October 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration Opens Thursday!
It’s that time guys! The October 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration opens Thursday! You can read more about this LEGO Monthly Mini Build below: How To – October 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration If you can’t see the photo above for the October 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build, it is a werewolf! Perfect for Halloween,