LEGO Halloween Costumes by Disguise

LEGO Halloween costumes have always been notoriously hard to find, because, well…there really weren’t any LEGO Halloween costumes until this year! Disguise, a costume creating company, contracted with LEGO last year to manufacture the first release of officially licensed LEGO Halloween costumes. Here is what you can get in this year’s wave, with affiliate links for

DixieLUG Exhibits at Maker Faire Atlanta 2016 Next Weekend!

Normally about this time, I would have made a post regarding our DixieLUG meeting. We meet every two months, so the next meeting would have happened this past weekend. But guess what? DixieLUG exhibits at Maker Faire Atlanta 2016 next weekend! So, instead of meeting this weekend, just to get together and exhibit the following

Reminder October 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration Opens Thursday!

It’s that time guys! The October 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration opens Thursday! You can read more about this LEGO Monthly Mini Build below:   How To – October 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build Registration   If you can’t see the photo above for the October 2016 LEGO Monthly Mini Build, it is a werewolf! Perfect for Halloween,