Welcome to 2020! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy and safe New Year celebration… and that you made it to the LEGO store at least once or twice in December to enjoy all the magical Christmas energy and store builds. If you did, you probably saw the LEGO Pick-A-Brick Christmas
Author: Mrs. The Family Brick
LEGO Gingerbread House Light Kit Review
As you know, our thing here is building winter village. Which is why we were so excited to be asked to review the LEGO Gingerbread House Light Kit from Game of Bricks! I think I may have literally squealed out loud. And Mr. Family Brick? Equally as excited, because adding lights to our build has
We Updated the Ultimate Lists of Holiday LEGO Sets!
Is it safe to say the reason you came to our blog is because of the LEGO Winter Village theme? I mean, it is the thing we’ve blogged most about in the lifetime of this blog. Which is also probably why you might have been disappointed to see our Ultimate Lists of Holiday LEGO Sets
Happy LEGO Thanksgiving 2019!
Hi Everyone! If you’re like me, you might still be sleeping because you probably went to bed way too late while trying to prepare a happy LEGO thanksgiving for everyone else. Yes. I’m probably still in bed or just getting up to make some gravy and biscuits and orange cinnamon rolls for the fam. But
LEGO Black Friday 2019 VIP Events Start Today, 11/25!
Hopefully you are visiting the blog right now because you love us… But I wouldn’t be mad if it was just for LEGO Black Friday 2019 updates. If you haven’t been to the store recently, you probably didn’t receive the flyer below. There are several things going on with this event. In case you can’t
3rd Annual Books & Bricks LEGO Show on December 7th-8th
I keep saying I’m going to blog, but life just gets in the way! ;) But I have too much to share. So many posts to make. Let’s start with the 3rd Annual Books & Bricks LEGO Show December 7th – 8th at the Smyrna Public Library! This will be the 3rd year we partner
LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid Commander Set
Oh so appropriately, on May the 4th, LEGO dropped a press release for the LEGO Star Wars Boost Droid Commander Set. Think LEGO Boost coding + Star Wars fun! It took me a while to get this out, because this has been a seriously busy month! I went through a new experience working as part
LEGO Counterfeiter Lepin Raided!
Do you spend time searching on Google about LEGO? You know you do! This means you probably already know… the Shanghai police raided the infamous LEGO counterfeiter company, Lepin, on April 23, 2019! Or, you might be like me, and didn’t even know until your husband told you the news… News is overrated. ;) LEGO
Everything You Wanted To Know About LEGO VIP Points
For some of you LEGO VIP points are old hat. You’ve been around the block more than once and you know what they are, how best to accumulate and use them, etc… Others, this is your first time to the rodeo. If that is you, read on. What are LEGO VIP points? LEGO VIP points
Atlanta Brick Con 2018 – See What You Missed
Last October, I mentioned the rebirth of Celebricktion as the Atlanta Brick Con 2018. If you didn’t go, it was great! 3 awesome days of LEGO, LEGO, LEGO right here in Atlanta! Since we’ve been busy with the house and getting things ready in the basement for my mom and our LEGO room, we hadn’t